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Kites ToyBox closure 1 December 2023

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The difficult decision has been made to discontinue the operations of Kites ToyBox as part of Kites Children’s Therapy in Victoria Park, WA. We understand that this will come as a surprise and disappointment to many families, in particular those with children living with disability.

The Kites ToyBox has been a wonderful service to the community since it was acquired 4 years ago. During this time, there have been a suite of staff and volunteers who have provided information, support, resources, kindness, and fun to so many families and professionals.

Sadly, it is not sustainable for Kites Children’s Therapy to continue running the service. We hope that this service continues through its transfer to a like-minded organisation or group that can invest the required energy and resources into making it sustainable.


  • Kites ToyBox will cease operations on 1 December 2023. All toys must be returned by 30 November 2023.
  • Kites Children’s Therapy is currently seeking an appropriate community organisation or group to continue the Toy Library service.
  • Members of the toy library will not be required to renew their memberships as they expire and can continue to borrow toys until November 2023 or until the transfer of the service.
  • If a new provider is able to continue the service before this time, members may have the option to transfer their membership.
  • Members who are paid past 1 December will receive a pro-rata membership refund.
  • After 1 December, toys will be transferred across to the organisation or group that has been selected to continue the service.
  • If no organisation is selected, Kites will work with key stakeholders to consider the most appropriate way to donate assets to various toy libraries and disability providers throughout Perth.

Kites Children’s Therapy continues to be a passionate advocate and active service provider in the disability community. Where possible we will support members to identify alternative options to support their ongoing access to similar resources. We are doing our utmost to allow this service to continue in the future through another organisation.

If you have any queries, please email and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Media contact
Melanie Willows, Program Manager Marketing & Communications
Phone: 08 9311 8295

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